Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bad Joints/ Stiffness

So this is in response to a few emails that I got this afternoon. People are saying that they love working out but the "body isn't what it used to be." Now we all know how that story goes, we can either quit or find a solution. Here is my solution, hope this helps everyone!

For those of us out there with either bad joints due to injury, muscle tightness, arthritis, bone degeneration etc. The number one doctor recommended treatment is surgery. The number one actual supplement to take is Glucosamine (much more effective and cheaper then surgery). This is the type of glucosamine that I take. I take it because it is organic and their are no by products. You don't have to take this kind... Their are 1million different kinds out there!


For the people who don't drink enough water, or hate taking pills this is what I recommend because it is a twist tube that you squeeze into water and it flavors your water with only 5 calories no sugar, or artificial sweetener. Give it a try

Have a good one

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