Thursday, September 20, 2012

Vitamin C and iron

Sorry again I haven't posted in a few weeks but here's something I wanted to tell everyone!

So something I forgot to mention eating vitamin c throughout the day can actually help you! Yes believe it natural food helps haha. But what we don't know is vitamin C helps a lot more then just boosting our immune system. Vitamin C actually aide's the body into absorbing certain nutrients one of those being iron.

By ingesting Vitamin C through out the day your body will be able to process iron more efficiently.

Thanks everyone
Frank Poveromo

Sent from my iPhone.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Shin Splints (Treatment and Causes)

A lot of people encounter shin splints, during their exercise bringing usually involving tons of cardio. (sorry) It always seems like im bashing on cardio well rightfully so but anyway. Point being Shin Splints are painful if you have ever had them you probably don't want them again. Although for those of you who have had jumpers knee I know we would rather have shin splints any day (but that is besides the point.)

Shin Splints: What are they? How do they form? How do you stop it?

What are they? 
Technically they are the splitting apart of the muscle from your shin. The stress on the connective tissue from the high impact exercise, be it running jumping or anything of that nature. Traumatizes the muscle and connective tissue along the shins. This is usually when you start to feel irritation, possibly slight discomfort and a burning sensation with prolonged use. At this point you are in the beginning stages of shin splints.  

How do they form?
Well I guess we technically covered part of that in the "What are they?" section. That fine I will explain in more detail. The shin is made up of 2 bones and many muscles. The names are not as important as the actions/ injury though so I will leave the names out. For each bone their is connective tissue, the function of the connective tissue is to keep the supporting muscles attached. The key being ATTACHED! What shin splints are is the opposite, your body is doing its best to fight against the high impact strain of what ever is causing the shin splints. But your force is too strong for the shin's connective tissue to keep the muscle in place. So it begins to tear, little by little but each little bit creates pain. Eventually to the point where you get such a great tear along that connective tissue that it is so inflamed and irritated you cannot touch it or walk properly.

How do you stop it?
Well this may come off as sarcastic, well mainly because it is... But what do you do when your burning yourself because you have your hand on the stove and it hurts? You stop, right? I mean unless that is something that you enjoy in which case I suggest you don't my analogy as literal instructions and follow them! (Seriously though..) All jokes aside, if something hurts you usually stop what ever is making it hurt. So with injuries the rules still apply, they are just more intense because you get immediate feed back. This rule applies for all injuries! IF IT HURTS DON'T USE IT! Ice and rest shin splints and then wait until the tears have heal'd then begin exercise again.

I will take this 1 step further and go into what may have caused it in the first place besides the exercise. Your shoes, are normally the first thing a doctor will ask you about when you go for shin splints. They say that if your shoes are either too worn out or TOO soft then you will develop shin splints. The problem is with the shoes being to worn out, your body is taking too much impact on each step you take especially when running all the trauma is multiplied by 10x. When your shoes are too soft you are ok with shin splints but your knees will not like it so much as their job with stabilization will be 10x harder and you would rather have shin splints then bad knees TRUST ME!

They recommend time to replace all shoes is 6 months obviously if you have 2 pairs of shoes and wear them every other time you exercise you will get more life out the shoes and if you don't wear them at all the 6 month rule obviously does not apply. But as far as support goes this is a general rule of thumb. Running shoes are good for walking but walking shoes are not good for running. Basketball shoes are different and sometimes ok for running depending on the specific type of shoe.

Thanks Everyone


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cardio for weight loss

This will be something that I am going to type quickly but the information is still important. Cardio alone will never make you loose a pound unless you are either 1 extremely over weight, or 2 you run or walk in excessive amounts. The reason is because most forms of cardio when done alone make the exerciser loose more muscle then fat.

Think in your mind of the average older woman who says she walks on the daily basis how her physique looks. I will not completely strip this hypothetical woman of all her dignity because her physique looks better then the older woman who doesn't walk or do anything at all. But how much worse is her physique then the older woman who has a personal trainer and mix's cardio and strength training together to look like she is 20 years younger then her actual age.... Have I made my point yet?

Cadio should be done as a SUPPLEMENTAL exercise to strength training. Which should be your primary focus! Each exercise should consist of 35 -45 minutes of strength training! then what ever other time you have left be it 10-15 minutes use that for your cardio and go home! that is the best advice I can give to someone who is either trying to tone up get jacked loose weight or just tighten up the extra body mass that seems to never go away! Try it and let me know how it works for you, because it has worked for my clients.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Abs (the secret is revealed)

Everyone wants the secret, EVERYONE. The truth is that there really is no secret. But if I was forced to fabricate a secret out of thin air it would most likely be. "The secret to obtaining abs is eat healthy!" The only way to loose fat is to loose it in the kitchen.

This generation of people think that they can have their cake and abs too. Its not possible. I always joke with my clients at the gym when ever they would come in hung over I tease them by saying, "Oh! looks like you wanted to have your abs and brew too! huh?" Reluctantly enough most of them agree that they had a few drinks or ate a little unhealthy or did both.

Let me teach you a secret, my secret at least. I only apply this secret to myself during the winter and beginning of summer. So here it goes. If you are going to drink don't eat first. If you are already drunk, don't eat after. WATER! Food WILL NOT SOBER YOU UP. It will fatten you up. That is the bottom line!!! Seriously, if you are going to drink don't eat for 1 hour before, and don't eat after. It does not do anything in your stomach it does not soak up any alcohol it does not cure the spins and it will not prevent a hang over.

Like I said I only follow this in the beginning of the summer and in the winter time because this is something that eventually you cant fight any more. By the end of the summer most people who workout year round slack off and enjoy themselves in the last few weeks of august. I confess! The key to transforming your body though is when ever you get a little lazy make yourself pay! If every time you slack you punish yourself in the gym each year you will be less and less likely to slack. Eventually you will get to the point where you never take more then a week off.

The secret is revealed.

Thanks everyone

Friday, August 17, 2012

Apple Facts

Since today I have been quite busy I have not had time to read an actual article for today's post so I will actually recycle some information that I already know.

Apples, Green apples contain less sugar then red apples so they are actually a better fruit to eat when looking to go lean, citrus, and promote muscle growth. That's correct study's have been showing that the skin of an apple when ingested regularly actually aides in muscle growth. So an apple a day should really be the motto. It will keep the fat away and the muscle on.

As odd as this may sound for people looking to loose excess weight. Meaning more then 35+ you should stay away from fruit until you have gotten within 20 pounds of your goal. meaning 19 or less pounds from your goal weight. The reason being that the sugar in the fruit will effect insulin drastically!

Thanks everyone


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Water intake

For people who want to learn how they can possibly consume close to a gallon of water a day without having to sacrifice your sleep quality by waking 1million times to go to the bathroom. I am reading that the body needs water most when you first wake up. So do your best to drink water before breakfast, after you eat about 20minutes after so you can give your body time to digest the food. Then continue on pace to finish the gallon of water by 6 pm. That is the best way. Remember we don't ALL need a gallon a day but as close as physically possible is best.

Water will help eliminate that fat on the body and keep the digestion cleaner and detox the body from any chemicals we may ingest during the day. Also it helps keep your energy levels highest in the body. The more water you drink consistently the better and cleaner you will feel. Your body will feel better and more efficient over all.

Thanks everyone again


*P.S.* I haven't posted it in a while and the number of people emailing me has gone down a lot. Which is good for my cell phone battery but I really do like reading some peoples responses. So here it is my email is remember you can email me with any questions comments or concerns regarding the blog also any topics you would like to see me answer.

CPA (application unrelated to fitness)

Ok everyone I know this is a topic unrelated to fitness obviously but a friend of mine is going to school for accounting. He is in a business program here and he has been trying to come up with a way to help people study for the CPA exam which all accountants should take. So he came up with a good method to study on the go and its a CPA application for your phone and this is the link to his page. Give it a shot go check the page out and show your support!

CPA Exam SmartTest

Thanks Everyone


Cardio tips for fat burning

We all have or have had that stubborn body fat that we cant seem to get rid of. The way that we try and get rid of it is different, each person has their own personal preference. The point is that obviously their are many different ways to get rid of body fat. Many people believe that cardio is the only way to loose fat. Many people believe that no cardio and strictly weight lifting resistance training and other anaerobic activity will work. Someone people believe in the power or diet alone no exercise.

There is a million or more ways for people to obtain the dream body, loose the fat, be skinny and transform their physique. Most people don't do it, and cant because they don't know what they are doing and others cant do it because they don't have the motivation. Some of the people out there are perfectly fine with how they are and don't care to change it if it requires too much effort. This statement and post will address all of the people out there regardless of your desire/ intentions with your body. 

BODY FAT! Devise a regimen that is a combination between anaerobic, aerobic, weights and rest.

What is the best type of cardio? How long do I perform this cardio for? How frequently?

*HOW EVER MANY DAYS YOU PLAN TO WORKOUT DO CARDIO FOR NO MORE THEN HALF OF THEM.* This is my rule of thumb, unless you have excess amount of weight to loose, or you are training to be a long distance runner then your cardio should not make up more then half of the days you are working out. Let me give examples.

If you workout lifting weights 4 times a week, you go to the gym for 40minutes-1hour and workout intensely.  You should do cardio on 2 of those days at the end of your workout the best time is at the end of the workout. So If you are training 5 times a week or 6 the formula stays the same since you cannot divide 5 in half do not go above 2. *This is a rule for those of us with that stubborn little belly fat we want to get rid of. Not for those who have excess amount of weight to loose.

As for duration my recommendation  is for more then 15 minutes but less then 50 so if you can run/ walk for 45 minutes do it because that is your only exercise that day. But if it is a day that you are doing anaerobic before your cardio my suggestion is do your anaerobic for 30 minutes and your cardio for 30 minutes as well.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Top 10 Pre workout foods

Hey everyone,

Im actually not at home right now I am down the shore for the day. So I had this article set up for this morning because it would be easy for me to blog and have all of you able to read it by the morning. Ok so this is a topic on the best kinds of food to eat before a workout if Pre workout protein isn't practical for you. If you don't know what i mean by pre-workout protein please check yesterdays post.

There is the list if you want to go to that website to read it please go ahead and do so!
I will post the list below with no explanations. This is in reverse order Worst to best (Remember these are the top 10 best so none of them are bad!)

10. Chocolate
9. Carbohydrate energy gels (PowerBar/ Gatorade)
8. Banana's and other fruit high in natural sugar
7.Trail Mix
6. Yogurt
5. Energy Bars
4. Oatmeal
3. Almonds
2. Pasta (whole wheat/ grain)
1. Lentils


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bad Joints/ Stiffness

So this is in response to a few emails that I got this afternoon. People are saying that they love working out but the "body isn't what it used to be." Now we all know how that story goes, we can either quit or find a solution. Here is my solution, hope this helps everyone!

For those of us out there with either bad joints due to injury, muscle tightness, arthritis, bone degeneration etc. The number one doctor recommended treatment is surgery. The number one actual supplement to take is Glucosamine (much more effective and cheaper then surgery). This is the type of glucosamine that I take. I take it because it is organic and their are no by products. You don't have to take this kind... Their are 1million different kinds out there!

For the people who don't drink enough water, or hate taking pills this is what I recommend because it is a twist tube that you squeeze into water and it flavors your water with only 5 calories no sugar, or artificial sweetener. Give it a try

Have a good one

Protein shake Pre or Post workout?

Hey everyone,

I know I just posted a recipe on how to make protein bread, so 2 post is one day seems like over kill but I just want everyone to know something before I loose the article..

Question how grams of protein should I drink after my workout? Is my post workout vital to muscle growth? Whats the best protein to take after my workout? Do you see the reoccurring theme here? Everyone wants to take their protein after the workout. Workouts are looked at by some people as completely useless unless they have protein right after.

New research suggests that protein digested before a workout can be more beneficial then any post workout supplement. Branch chain amino acids I am sure that you have heard this phrase or if not then im confident you have heard the term BCAA's. Well that is BCAA's (Branch Chain Amino Acid's) The point is that BCAA's don't need to be processed by anything in the body they bypass your liver and all other filtration systems in the body. Once they are digested by the stomach they head straight to your blood stream to be absorbed by the muscles.

Why is that important?

  • Pre-workouts are filtered by your liver and thus take 30-45 minutes to hit the blood stream and even longer before you feel it in your muscles. 
    • I dont know about you but I don't have time to prepare a pre-workout and drink it 1 hour before my workout and then start workouts at the EXACT time it hits. 
      • This is just an impractical method of pre workout energy.
  • Adding protein before your workout increases your bodies natural protein synthesis. Meaning your body will digest protein during your workout instead of after. 
    • Your body will benefit more from taking the protein during because it can start the rebuilding AS you tear the muscle not after. 
    • " A study published in Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise found that one scoop of whey protein prior to working out increased calorie burning over the subsequent 24 hours."
      • This means that taking one scoop of whey protein before your workout will help you burn calories, all day and night. 

The team of scientists and athletes that have been testing this theory for quite some time now. Have come to a definitive answer to the age old question of PRE or POST workout? The answer is PRE-workout protein exhibits more then 3 times the benefits then post workout protein does. It has tons of research being done now to prove once and for all that PRE workout protein is the way to go and that post workout protein is a thing of the past. 

my source as always: Article

Thanks again everyone

Protein Bread Recipe

*Note this is not my recipe, this is something that I found while online and I thought that people might enjoy.* remember from my post yesterday low carb doesn't mean low fat. It means low energy. Low insulin means low fat. (also for those of you who missed my earlier post on cinnamon the insulin blocker go back and read that!)

This recipe is Jamie Eason's recipe

Nutrition Facts:

Makes 16 squares
1 square = 55 calories, 1 g fat, 8 g carbs, 5 g protein



  1. Preheat oven to 350. Spray an 8 X 8 inch Pyrex dish with non-stick spray.

  2. In small bowl combine: (set aside)
  • 1/3 cup Ideal (Xylitol)
  • 2 tsp cinnamon

  1. In a large bowl combine: (whisk together)
  • 1 1/2 cups oat flour + 2 scoops vanilla whey protein
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup Ideal (Xylitol) or ¼ cup Stevia in the Raw

  1. In a medium bowl combine: (whisk together & add to lrg bowl)
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (Almond Breeze)
  • 1/3 cup or 1 4oz jar of baby food applesauce and ¼ cup low sugar vanilla yogurt (optional)

  1. Pour a shallow layer of batter into the loaf pan (about 1/4 of the batter).

  2. Sprinkle heavily with half of the cinnamon/sugar mixture. Repeat with remaining batter & cinnamon/sugar on top.

  3. Draw a knife through the batter to marble. Bake for 24 to 28 min. Let cool for 10 min. Bread will be dense.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Following my blog

This topic is unrelated to fitness

For those people, who have been supporting visiting and even promoting my blog I want to give a special thanks to all of you. I now have over 2000 views in a short span of time. I have only just begun so I want everyone to know that I will have a lot more in store for all the followers.

I also notice that I only have 3 "followers" that have figured out how to actually link this into your gmail account or even your email. This isn't the type of blog or site that will send you annoying push notifications to your cell phone solicit your phone or even email and you will absolutely not get spam. So for those of you who are still kind of on the fence about clicking the like button located up on top of the blog. You can go ahead and do so with no worries the only thing that the follow button means is that you will never loose the blog should I decide to change the name or URL. (not that I plan to but just in case)

Thanks again


Hello everyone,

So I am going to be talking about a topic that is extremely difficult for myself and others to comprehend. The topic is Insulin, how it works and why it has such a bad reputation. The reason that it has such a bad reputation starts with the simple fact that it is linked to fat storage. 

This the type of post that could look as long as a small English text book for first year undergraduate students if I really want to go into this topic deep. So to spare everyone I will keep it short and sweet!

So lets begin:

When you eat a meal, the carbohydrates in that meal are broken down into glucose (a sugar used as energy by your cells). This glucose substance enters your blood stream. The organs in your body such as your pancreas, detect your glucose levels are rising. As part of a negative feed back system it releases insulin to counter those rising glucose levels. Glucose levels are typically found to be at their lowest value, when a person first wakes up. Because of the long period of time since their last meal.

What does this mean?

When your insulin rises your body can begin to store fat (your body can also store fat when insulin is low too but only when calories are in excess). Point being that as you eat an increased caloric diet consisting of more carbohydrates you will likely shock your blood glucose, and insulin into an over excited state. The problem with insulin is that some people don't eat the proper carbs. Carbs are great for the body, in some instances if you eat carbs you have a better chance of loosing weight. For others who have a difficult time gaining weight you should also pay attention to your carb intake. Chases are your insulin is always super low. 

So the funniest thing about insulin is how many times it rises and falls throughout the length of a day. The average person who doesn't exercise will eat 2-3 medium-large sized meals a day. The average fitness enthusiast will eat between 4-9meals a day. Here is a chart displaying insulin response in a normal day, for the average non exercising person. 
Take note how these meals take less and less time for the body to rebound as the day goes on. This is because by the end of the day your body is more efficient then when you first wake up. That is why constant small meals are better then large meals because your body will build up a routine on how to burn food faster and faster. also it will keep insulin lower longer thus keeping you leaner. 

Here is a funny diagram to end this topic with. I over hear a lot of novice lifters in the gym discussing some pretty meaty topics (pun intended). Problem is they have no clue what they are talking about. Usually what goes on is someone in the gym becomes intrigued by lifting or working out and wants to know more. So they will Google things. Now this is the best way to learn things in my opinion... BUT be weary of the internet articles you read. Most articles out there if not obtained from a credible source are not true. LOOK FOR THE ARTICLES SOURCES!!! So back to the point haha This is a diagram based on a lab experiment on different types of shakes made for protein sources. I know to think about a Turkey milk shake or a tuna milk shake is honestly repulsive but that's ok you don't have to drink them! 
Whey protein stimulated the highest insulin response but weird enough what this chart doesn't show you is that Whey did not increase the persons blood glucose 1pt. It actually made it lower, this is only possible because whey protein suppresses appetite. 

I know that most people are sort of thrown off right now by this chart but don't be alarmed Whey Protein is good! The average person who takes whey protein, eats less during the course of a day. They keep their insulin stable for a longer period of time and store less fat. That is of course the average. Those who are too loose with their diets this isn't true for you! 

Ok so that about wraps it up if anyone wants to actually do 50 pages of reading on insulin like I did I will give you my source as I always do! lol Thank you for reading everyone! --> Insulin…an Undeserved Bad Reputation --> Insulin on wikipedia 

Thanks again for reading!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Men vs Women style and routine

Good afternoon everyone,

Well this is a question that someone asked me a while back and I forgot to post on the blog. I had a friend ask me in the gym, "Ok so im going to workout with my girlfriend but she plays sports too. How should I make her workout? Girls are different aren't they? Shouldn't they do more, of light weight stuff and less strength stuff?"

Ok! So this is a dumb question. The reason I say this is because does anyone remember the commercial with Mia Hamm and Michael Jordan from back in the day? Well if you haven't here is the link to watch the video!

Women and men are the same. Obviously this is a bold face statement but as far as workouts go they are the same. ***MOSTLY*** Women will not gain mass as fast as men. Women will not develop as many fast twitch muscle fibers as men. Women will have to do more fast twitch muscle building workouts in order to compare to a man but other then that EVERYTHING IS THE SAME. 

Squat will increase vertical, and speed. Lunges will increase vertical and speed. Agility work will increase footwork and speed. The thing with the people who think that women should not train the same as men i have one question for you... If I am 6 foot 3 and you are 5 foot 6, should you not practice sprints to become faster because were not the exact same height? Should You run long distance to become a better sprinter while I practice reducing my times in the 100m ? Well obviously we know the answer is no. If you want to become faster at the 100m you practice the 100m you don't practice a 5k. It is almost the same thing with men and women athletes. TRAIN LIKE A MAN, PLAY LIKE A MAN. Now don't take this ladies as im saying TRAIN LIKE A MAN LOOK LIKE A MAN! lol that is absolutely not true. 

Hope this helps Everyone! also I have some new updates soon coming on the Virtual Personal Training website where anyone from around the world will be able to subscribe to my site and come get personal training with me. VIA internet video streaming you will be able to have a 1on1 session with me or group classes with me so stay tuned it will be coming soon. For now keep reading my posts have a great day everyone enjoy the weather! 


Friday, August 10, 2012

Fat Burning Routine from Muscle Pharm!

Fat Burning workout (about 45-50 min)

After warm-up, perform the following for 10 minutes each
10 minute run
10 minute walking lunges
10 minutes on bike

When completed, do the following:

Speed Bag - 2 minutes
Face-pulls - 20 reps (use a weight or band)
Punches with 3-5 pound weights - 2 minutes
Repeat for 5 sets

Finish with 1 set of 100 lateral raises with 8-10 pound dumbbells

Thursday, August 9, 2012

tip on pushup/ bench press depth

Ok so for all of you who do push-ups, or bench do any sort of fly's or deep dips for chest. My post today is on the depth of how far you should preform a rep. The thing with these exercises are they are high risk for your shoulder. They are essential to having a big or defined chest. BUT! They can prevent you from being able to lift all together if you do them wrong.

Remember! It is better to do less and be consistent then it is to do more and hurt yourself. The only way to see results is over time! So if you get  hurt you will have to take time off that is counter productive.

OK... To the point On each of these exercises the depth of a repetition is the same for everyone. If you were to have a lifting partner or a spotter measure the degree of your elbow it should be 90 Degrees. A right angle! For those of you who are unsure EXACTLY how that should look I know how you feel geometry wasn't my strong point either! Haha Only kidding everyone but I will post a picture for you all just to clarify.

Anything lower then 90° will deactivate the tension on the muscles in your Inner Deltoid thus causing excessive amount of unwanted stain on those muscles. This CAN and probably will cause bursitis, tendinitis, torn or strained rotator cuff. All of these injuries are extremely painful and you don't want to have those. So please trust me when I tell you with lifting weights less is more always preform more then 6 reps unless you are an experienced lifter with perfect form.

Lifting is all about the contractions please see my other post and read about the difference between a motion, flex, and contraction.


Monday, July 16, 2012

Summer workouts

The difference between winter workouts and summer workouts are body fat. In winter it's ok to burn less calories to build some muscle before summer. Once summer comes calorie burning in each workout is key! Summer is prime time for slacking so make sure if you workout 4 times a week or how ever many times that it counts each time! Not just you counting calories make sure the workout burns. This should be a big muscle group day! To maximize calorie burning.

The bigger the muscle the more
It will burn. If you burn a huge amount of calories that's not good either keep the workouts 45 minutes long at most and intense the whole time. The key to burning body fat is consistency the whole time keep the heart rate up!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Back to the routine

I know summer is a hard time of year to keep the routine going. Especially when you have been doing it all year long and all you want to do is relax! I know that old story! Trust me! Haha I took some time off myself and now it is time to get back into the serious mode that we were in a few months ago. The Followers that means you guys/ girls as well!

Were a team and teams feed off one another the advice I give to all my clients for the summer is dedicate a workout partner for the summer months! Most people dont want to go alone when the weather gets nice and if someone will be there pushing you and you pushing them there is usually a better success rate. Once you keep the routine going throughout the larger portion of the summer start playing games with your workout buddy. See who goes more times on their own per week! Compare workouts and see who's is more intense make it a friendly competition!

enjoy the weather everyone


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hydration (Heat Wave)


I just got back from vacation today and felt that a post about Heat Stroke/ Heat Exhaustion is in order. In New Jersey, it has been an average of 97 degrees approx for about the last week or so. It is super important to drink water, but equally as important to replenish your electrolytes if you are in the sun. Water alone will not replenish your body your body sweats electrolytes as well as water.

Enjoy the weather everyone!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Common Lifting Mistakes

Lifting Weights is the best way to change your body. The mistake people make is that they think weights alone will make then "jacked" so what ever your definition of jacked might be weights is probably your solution to get you there.

My point is weights alone will change your body, it will make your bones dense and strong. It will make your muscles harden. It will promote muscle growth. But just like I said it will promote, it will do everything that most people aren't aiming to do. Unless... You eat the part, meaning you need to diet to be jacked. EAT EAT EAT! So, the point of lifting weights isn't always to get jacked. Women don't want to be jacked but want to transform their bodies as well and I get this question from women a lot more then men.

"Wont Lifting Weights Make Me Jacked!?" Well yes and no, here is why.

So the reason why lifting weights will make you jacked is because you want them to get you jacked. Your eating a lot more calories then your taking in and your also working out the right way. Most people who are trying to get jacked don't even get jacked so no lifting weights wont accidentally get you jacked. Guys strive their whole lives to look "Jacked" and never get it. So when women ask me if lifting weights for a few weeks is going to get them jacked I cant help but laugh. Absolutely not! If your lifting heavy weights and only eating around 800 calories a day you can lift all the weight you want you will NEVER get jacked. You will become super lean you will harden up you will tighten and tone. Never will you accidentally get jacked.

Same goes for men, if you want to get jacked EAT! heavy weights don't make you jacked. Weights and food is what makes you jacked. No need to try and lift heavy heavy weights. Body builders aren't half as strong as the strongest men in the world. Body Builders most of them aren't even as strong as some professional athletes who are half their size. Just lift and eat lift and eat and enjoy the gym don't make it something that is a medication that you do because you feel you have too. Chances are you will never last that way.


Monday, June 25, 2012

Protein Charts for Vegetarian

Fat burning workout

Fat Burning workout (about 45-50 min) from muscle pharm

After warm-up, perform the following for 10 minutes each
10 minute run
10 minute walking lunges
10 minutes on bike

When completed, do the following:

Speed Bag - 2 minutes
Face-pulls - 20 reps (use a weight or band)
Punches with 3-5 pound weights - 2 minutes
Repeat for 5 sets

Finish with 1 set of 100 lateral raises with 8-10 pound dumbbells

Friday, June 22, 2012

Whole Grain vs Whole Wheat

For those of you who don't know the difference except for taste their is a difference. YES! one is actually better for you. Whole grain actually does exactly what we all think whole wheat does. It prevents stomach fat. Whole Wheat can actually be just as bad for dieters as normal grain. Obviously its better for your health then normal grain. But the point is for people who are dieting not for their overall health but for image purposes, meaning you want to look like a model, athlete, or anyone who you have aspired to look like your whole life. If they have low body fat then Whole Grain is the way you want to go. Whole wheat can actually promote more belly fat then some other types of grain as well. Studies are proving why and as soon as I come across a good enough article that is't to data intensive I will post it up on here.

But for now the summary is.... WHOLE GRAIN for looks WHOLE WHEAT for everyone else. Either its still a healthier option then normal grain pasta and rice and defiantly a better choice then any other loaf's of bread like white, potato, etc... But Grain vs Wheat is a big question I've been getting lately.

been away for a long time

I haven't blogged in quite some time been busy with life I'm sure you all know how that goes sometimes. Well Im back and will be blogging as frequently as possible. Anyone who has questions please submit them as to give me more things to blog about in the upcoming few months.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Benefits of whole grain

Good Morning Everyone,

I wanted to briefly show some health reasons why whole grain is a better alternative in your diet. Below is a snippet from an article I read a few days ago.

"Studies show that eating whole grains instead of refined grains lowers the risk of many chronic diseases. While benefits are most pronounced for those consuming at least 3 servings daily, some studies show reduced risks from as little as one serving daily. The message: every whole grain in your diet helps!

The benefits of whole grains most documented by repeated studies include:
  • stroke risk reduced 30-36% 
  • type 2 diabetes risk reduced 21-30% 
  • heart disease risk reduced 25-28% 
  • better weight maintenance 

Other benefits indicated by recent studies include:
  • reduced risk of asthma 
  • healthier carotid arteries 
  • reduction of inflammatory disease risk 
  • lower risk of colorectal cancer 
  • healthier blood pressure levels 
  • less gum disease and tooth loss" 

To continue reading why whole grain is important in your diet as a substitute to all other types of refined grains... Check out the link below!

Thanks everyone

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I have some updates on the company

Good morning everyone,

So some people at the gym have been asking me on some updates to how the launch of my company is coming along. I must say it is going a little slower then I had thought but thats just because of the amount of free time I have been dedicating to my school. Now that that is over and I am finished I promise progress as far as the business is concerned. I am in the process of purchasing a name, and registering it as an LLC so that we can conduct business online hopefully within the next 6 months! I was wondering if everyone would help me out by either replying onto the blog itself, or by emailing me things you would like to see implemented in the website.

As of right now we have a decent setup for the page itself and we have some good ideas, but we would love to know what the followers, users and prospective clients would like to see!

Thanks again

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My Personal Supplements

Hey everyone,

Ive had people ask me what Supplements I take? Where do I get them from?

So to answer the question I for 80% of the time use Myofusion protein powder but when I trying to lean out I with Un fortunately the protein is on back order due to high demands for it. This is not to worry chocolate is still available and it will return to regular shipping soon. Also Protein bars can be found on there too.

For a fat burner I think multivitamins should do the trick, most people dont get the full line of nutrition they need in their bodies each day so a multivitamin helps immensely. Below is my multivitamin its called Double X. Rated in the top multivitamins on the market. I personally love it and it helps your body's immune system, helps with allergies, also helps prevent over training from malnutrition.

For those on a more stringent budget this is a womens pack 4 multivitamins specifically for women. One packet per day. 30 days worth

For men on a more stringent budget this is the same thing for the womens pack just it applies for men and is specifically tailored for men of all ages.

For those of you looking to completely reconfigure your diet and routine this will help. the double X helps fight unnecessary cravings. It helps get your body in proper working order early in the morning before you even leave the house to take on the day. You will feel more energy as I felt when I first started on them. Give it a shot if your looking around for new supplements. Also for those of you who are interested in discounts I may be able to get you them though the website if you email me.

Have a good day everyone


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Use the stairs not the elevator

Hey everyone,

So I want to post a simple article today on why you should use the stairs and not the elevator. This picture is taken from the website slideshare but i will post the exact source at the bottom. I wanted to stress to everyone as the summer months approach the importance of carbs, eating the proper amounts of all your nutrients and not starving yourself. Their are simple ways to burn extra calories each day. Do enough of them each day and it will add up.

Think of calorie burning as a long term process. If you burn 50 extra calories a day for example dont think about it for this weeks weight loss. Think about it for the year. 365 days in a year thats 18,250 extra calories this year that you will burn. Thats about 5 1/2 pounds that you will loose this year. Most people dont understand how large 5 pounds of pure fat is. IT IS QUITE LARGE! Their is a difference between weight loss and fat loss. Fat loss is just as significant as weight loss but probably twice as satisfying to the eyes. Each pound of muscle you gain adds to your metabolism and the more fat you loose the same concept persists. So the more you gain in muscle and the more you loose in fat quantities the happier you will be. One it will mask the fat on your body even more, and two it will make the rest of the weight loss that much easier because your metabolism is higher.

Back to the point here are some reasons to use the stairs rather then the elevator. Also the stairs can add up amount calories you burn a lot faster then you think. Heres the article!


Friday, May 4, 2012

Vitamins and working out

Ok so this question was brought to my attention by a client of mine in the gym.

Why do I need to take a multi vitamin when im working out? Cant I just eat healthy food?

"In the grand scheme of things, your body is basically one giant mass of chemical reactions. Each of these individual reactions is fueled by small proteins called enzymes, which work by lowering the amount of energy that is needed for a specific reaction to occur. Enzymes require the use of a "co-enzyme" which alters its shape and allows it to perform its job properly. Co-enzymes are also referred to as vitamins.

So when it all comes down to it, vitamins are needed to fuel the thousands of chemical reactions going on within your body at all times. Not only does this play an important role in overall metabolism and body health, but it also plays a vital part in the muscle-building process" (source article

A  multivitamin is essental when you workout if you dont feed your body the added multivitamin or minerals help your body to add muscle and shed fat. So each vitamin you cant eat though food is wasted without the aide of a supplement. 


Ps if anyone is interested in what vitamins I take I will post this information in a few hours I want to find a good review on them first. 

Sorry Everyone I havent Posted

Good Morning/ Afternoon,

Sorry everyone I havent posted in quite some time. I have been busy with my school work but now that thats nearly over I will be back to posting almost every day. 


Friday, April 27, 2012

Tips For Big Arms

Hey Everyone,

So as I promised in the title this is going to be a short post on big arms. Everyone wants bigger arms, EVERYONE. So whats the trick who has the secret? Honestly the trick is in your triceps. Thats the secret, your triceps make up the majority of your arm. So if you want bigger arms you should work the bigger muscles more. Most people do twice as many bicep workouts as they do tricep workouts thats great if you want huge biceps but your arms will never look big. The trick is in the triceps. Do twice as many tricep workouts as you do biceps and see how you improve.

Tricep Rope Extensions 3x (15-20reps)
SkullCrushers 3x (15-20reps)
Tricep Dips 3x (Failure)
Tricep Pushups 3x (20-25reps)
Overhead Tricep Rope Extensions 3x (15-20reps)


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Saturated fats are the enemy

Good morning everyone, 

Sorry I've been really busy the past few days and havent really blogged as much as I would like too. Todays tip is actually a tip on how to tell your body to stop storing belly fat. This is also the article that may change your perception on what foods to eat. Hope you Enjoy 

Foods containing saturated fats are among one of the worst categories of food for anyone trying to loose fat. Belly fat is stored based on the quality quantity and frequency of food placed in the body. "Reduce your consumption of saturated fats that result in the storage of fat in the belly and hips. From a health standpoint, being "apple-shaped" with extra fat on the belly is an indicator for increased risk for some types of cancer. Being "pear-shaped" with fat on the legs and hips is considered less of a health risk.Eat heart-healthy, non-saturated fats such as olive, canola, flax seed or hemp seed oils. Eat low- or non-fat dairy foods or try soy, almond, or hemp seed milk for less fat." Saturated fats are harder for your body to break down, so essentially what your body would rather do is keep it incase you ever decide not to eat again. Most of the time when people store belly fat its because of one of too things. Extreme excess calorie intake with or without quality control over the foods they eat. Or the other reason being because someone truly doesn't eat enough. Your body will drop its own metabolism drastically if it thinks it will be getting starved. 

Try frequency with meals, elevate your heart rate frequently for at least 20 minute weather it be weight training or cardio, and also stay away from saturated fats!


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hormones in food

Hey everyone,

Eating organic is worth the extra money. I know the price on organic food sometimes can scare us away, but it is worth the money. The only thing that organic means is chemical/ additive free. No food is cooked with chemicals additives or anything that can harm the body. The animals who were raised on the farms were not fed hormones, so on and so forth. The difference is more then just whats in your wallet its in your health. It shows! People who eat organic more often are more conscientious of what they put into their mouth. People usually dont like to pay attention to the stuff they put into their mouth until they see significant health problems or something changes their view on health. People who have had heart attacks stoke, high blood pressure, low blood pressure so on and so on. Dont wait until something goes wrong just pay attention to what you put into your mouth. Most people dont even like half of the food that they eat they just eat it because its convenient. When you go food shopping make a list of all the foods you would like to eat that are healthy. Dont buy anything else that you "think you might need" get in and get out. Cook all your meals for the week and keep them refrigerated and heat them as you need them. Dieting is not as hard as you think.

No Excuses Just Do it!


Friday, April 20, 2012

Big Arms

Hey Everyone,

Sorry its almost 7:30pm and I havent posted at all today I was busy and never by a computer all day. So this is the topic for today. Most people in the gym guy or girl say at one point or another "I wish I had better arms." This for some of us means bigger arms; for some of us this means eliminating the fat on the arms and toning up. The fact of the matter is almost everyone wishes they could in some way change their arms for the better. I have found an article about big arms, how to get them how to tone them and how to concur the muscles that everyone so desperately wants.

BIG ARMS! Its something that some people get easily then others but its something that we can all have. It is a matter of knowledge as are most things in the gym. If you work them out wrong you will be forever chasing the dream of big arms. If you take the time and learn how to do them right, then you can learn how to have them work for you.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Top Vegetarian Foods

Hello everyone,

If you are a vegetarian these foods could help you gain muscle loose fat and lead a healthier life. This is the guide to a vegetarians success in the kitchen and it will show in the mirror. Protein is essential regardless of your preference of food. Without protein your body will never be as lean as you want it. So check out some of these tips and food choices.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Form 101

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to deliver on my promise of explaining or attempting to explain proper form. So this is essentially form 101. The only problem is I wont be able to demonstrate form to you like I do with my clients so ill do my best to paint a picture in your minds. Any questions you may have at the end feel free to email me at (That is my email for training related questions please do not hesitate to email me)

So what is proper form? How come my reps look the same as the next guy/girl but I dont feel the same swell that they do? How come my muscles dont get sore?

These are all form questions and their are a million and a half more where those came from! Form isn't monkey see monkey do. Form is a combination of proper technique, mind muscle connection, contraction, flexion/extension/ad/abduction(etc..) all with added resistance. So what does that mean? Technique is the way the rep is preformed for example with a bicep curl, some people swing their bodies because the weight is too heavy. This is because their arms lack enough strength to get the rep up all the way without aide from another muscle group or momentum. What do I do to fix that? Go lighter! Go a lot lighter, sets should be preformed anywhere between 40-65% of your max strength when your learning proper form. So what is mind muscle connection? Mind muscle connection is the ability to touch a muscle with your fingers and flex it. So for example when someone touches your butt unexpectedly you tense it up... thats mind muscle. When you flex your arms and someone is squeezing your arm to see how firm or soft.. thats mind muscle. When your anticipating getting punched in the stomach and you flex your abdomen, you guessed it thats mind muscle. Ok so now that we got the concept of what mind muscle connection is lets explain. Mind muscle connection is the ability to preform a rep and feel the body actually contract that muscle. Mind Muscle connection is a weight lifters best friend. Without the ability to feel your muscles without having to touch them you know how to use them in situations where most people would not. This means you can get 2 times the workout anyone else can because you are contracting muscles half of the world didn't even know existed. Mind muscle connection is something that is established through hours of for lack of a better explanation standing infront of a mirror or in your room flexing. Feel your muscles tense up, relax them practice what it took to get those muscles to flex. Perfect it, then move on to the next one, each time you do this you will know how to make those muscles flex when you add weight to them. So What is contraction then? Contraction is essentially mind muscle connection's suffix, it's just the same thing with a little something on the end. Contraction is the feeling of a pinch, in the muscle that your mind is in connection with to preform a technically sound repetition.  This means basically using your new found mind muscle connection to establish a ground to that muscle. Once you establish connection with that muscle and you have learned how to 'Flex it' you want to learn to take it a small step further and contract it. For a bicep curl you keep your elbows against your rib cage, flex your arm by bringing it up towards the ceiling. Once your arm is up near the shoulder you squeeze it in to the point where your triceps deactivate and your bicep experiences a small pinch feeling. Congratulations that is a contraction of the muscle. So what do you mean by added resistance? Weight, elastic bands, gravity so on and so forth are all resistance. Anything that your muscles have to overcome that isn't there on a regular basis is added resistance. People mistake this for lets get AS MUCH RESISTANCE AS POSSIBLE!!! No dont be the person in the gym with poor technique because you think it will get you to your goals faster. It will not accelerate your results, it will prolonge them and make you quit because you could possibly never see any results at all.

This is my guide to perfect form and if you ever have form questions like I said email me. Without proper form you will never see results. Results depend upon your bodys ability to overload a muscle, you cannot overload without your minds ability to contract that muscle at will.

Thanks for your time! Have a good day everyone!


Monday, April 16, 2012

Sample Diet For Weight Loss

This is a Sample Diet, this sole purpose is for weight loss. For those who are trying to add lean muscle I will post a diet for that in the next week or 2. For now if you are looking to gain lean mass add extra meals to this. Break the meals up into more protein less carbs and also add double the servings. It should be around 35g protein per meal and less then 20g from carbs. Your meals should be approx. 400-500 calories depending on your fitness level. 5-8 times per day.


The Hunger Feeling

The feeling of hunger usually means your stomach is done digesting what ever it was previously working on. This means that its time to feed it again. YES I said the second you feel hungry it is time to feed your stomach some more food! Now this doesn't mean pig out. Portioning is the most important thing a person who is eating healthy can do. Frequency is key, the more fequently you eat meals the faster your body will be at burning it up! This means a faster metabolism! Keeping your body happy at all times is key to fat loss and muscle growth.

One of the most frequently asked questions, when discussing nutrition with clients.  Particularly ones who are not well versed in nutrition tend to say things like: Wont eating a lot make me heavier? Well I dont want to gain muscle then ill looked jacked right? I hardly eat now and im already fat how could eating more possibly help me? (ETC...)

Well Ladies and Gents, the more your body has the ability to burn up food during the corse of the day the better and faster it becomes at doing it. So when you feed your body the right stuff all day long as frequently as it asks you to do so. Then you are what we call 'training the metabolism' and thats just a fancy way to say increasing metabolic rate. Essentially what that means is over a period of time depending on the specific goals of that person you will be able to eat more, and gain less fat, if any at all... This is the beauty of 'training the metabolism.'

So on to the next question wont gaining muscle get me jacked? Absolutely not, their is only 2 things your body can have. One is muscle the other is fat, so which would you rather have? (The Answer Is Muscle) Muscle burns calories while you sit around. You know what fat does while you sit around? It also sits around... doing nothing. So you tell me, would you rather burn calories doing nothing or would you rather have to work to burn every calorie you want to burn. I always ask my clients if their boss was going to offer them a raise, and the catch was that they have to have one paid vacation day a week where they would get paid just as much as if they were working. No added responsibilities no nothing would they accept the raise. They said whats the catch? My answer is always dedication and hard work a few days a week. They always say absolutely I would take the rase. So would you! This analogy is for muscle taking a paid vacation day every time you decide not to go to the gym or even if you do go after you get home and sit down your body is still burning calories. So no you wont get jacked unless your taking in 1000's and 1000's of calories and lifting heavy heavy weights 5-7 times a week!

For more information on this topic and any of the others in my blog that I have previously posted you can contact me on my email address.



Sore Muscles

Happy Monday everyone,

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Its time to get back on track! So this brings me to a question I've been getting asked all the time in the gym lately.

I have had a lot of clients ask me whats the best thing for sore muscles?

Personally I believe that sore muscles are necessary to becoming in better shape. If your not experiencing sore muscles once in a while then your not training hard enough. Try upping the intensity and practicing your form. Most people think that because they preform a repetition the way it visually should be preformed means that their form is flawless. My next post will be on perfect form so I will not go too in depth with. A rep is all about learning how to felx that muscle with that added resistance of the exercise. Each muscle has its own specific range of motion in which it can be flexed. For example a person can bend his or her arm completely and flex the bicep. They also can straighten it 90% of the way and flex the bicep and tricep at the same time... But is it possible when the arm is completely bent to flex the tricep? No it is not. So when you work your triceps you should never let your arm bend to the point where you cannot flex your tricep, same goes for all muscles.

This is an example of all the possible positions a bicep can be flexed in (While still keeping the tricep somewhat activated). Any more drastic then that curl, and the tricep becomes deactivated or any straighter, then the bicep becomes deactivated.

So back to sore muscles, when one is stuck with a case of sore muscles they should first, Foam roll. (I will post a video of foam rolling techniques at the end) The person should eat potassium in the morning the day of and day after a workout. Bananas are a great source of potassium but as I've said earlier in my blog a banana too late in the day can result in slowing your metabolism down. Also if a joint say your shoulders is bothering you or sore, it should be iced for 20minutes on 20 minutes off 6 times before bed. so thats 120 min on 120min off. Yes you should spend 4 hours icing your shoulders. Trust me I have bursitis in my shoulders because I never iced in high school and take my word for it, IT IS PAINFUL!


1. Form needs to be good and intensity needs to be up to achieve sore muscles.
2. Potassium helps break up lactic acid in your body during the restoration of your muscles.
3. Foam Roll on the muscles that you worked the hardest.
4. Joints should always be iced when they have become achy or painful.
5. Dont wait until you get bursitis to take my advice! haha

Have a great day everyone hope this helped!


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cinnamon for Insulin

Hey Everyone,

I came across an article for insulin resistance. Some food and spices, are good for specific things in the body. Cinnamon has a lot to do with your insulin and resisting the spike and drop in levels during the corse of a regular day. I find excuses to put Cinnamon on anything I make during the day. Cinnamon can help boost energy its a mood enhancer, and now its proven to keep insulin levels stable. When your insulin levels are stable your body is able to burn fat at a lot higher rate and it is way more efficient. A pinch of cinnamon in your protein shakes and on your oatmeal in the morning can help restore low insulin after a long nights rest. For those who are diabetic this is also important too! please read up further if you are interested in this topic at this website I have posted the link below! Enjoy everyone


Friday, April 13, 2012

Workout articles

Hey everyone,

Most people don't know how to properly fuel their body pre during and post workout. Read this small article to find out how to revert sore muscles and fuel your body.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Breakfast Option

Every Morning I eat oatmeal, but this morning I decided I wanted to try something that was going to make the oatmeal last a little longer in my stomach. Usually I wake up from a long nights sleep or a short nights sleep and immediately I am starving. Now im not talking a little hungry I mean some mornings ill wake up ok. Thats not the case for most mornings though, most mornings I wake up with pit of the stomach hunger like im digesting my own stomach. This is even with a casein shake before bed!

So I decided to mix a full cup of 5grain oatmeal, with a 1/4 scoop of protein powder and 3/4ish scoop of casein powder and cinnamon. I am eating this currently at the moment after my protein shake that I drank when I first woke up and as of right now its still not filling me up but I will update this post and let everyone know how it worked.


UPDATE: Ok so the oatmeal idea was great, it held me over for at least 3 1/2 hours which is way longer then any breakfast I've ever eaten. The only thing with the oatmeal is that you have to play with the amount of water that you want mix the protein powder into the oatmeal before you pour the water over. Otherwise it will be a giant glob of casein at the top of your oatmeal and it will be hard to mix in. I think I will start using that breakfast technique from now on. So for those of you who are interested in trying this out.

My breakfast looks like this:

Wake up: Protein Shake (Myofusion 1 1/2scoops + Peanut butter + Pinch of cinnamon ) Roughly 35g Protein.
1hr 30min later (When I feel hungry again): Oatmeal with 3/4 scoop of casein and 1/3 scoop of MyoFusion.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Gym Tips

Never be the person trying to lift the most weight. Your better off being the person with the best form. It's all about longevity, it's better to be in the gym every day getting a good workout in then to max out and hurt yourself. If you do hurt yourself you'll be out of commission for weeks.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Water Fact

Good Morning,

Often by the time you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. If you wait until you are thirsty to drink water chances are you will never get back to being hydrated. Properly hydrating yourself takes roughly 3 days. Your body will burn more fat when you have water in your system, and your body will digest food faster and make your body store less calories as fat. Keep drinking water all day long! The food you eat has nothing to do with the hydration in your body. If you eat salads that break down into water, that does not count as you consuming water to stay hydrated.

*Tip: If you drink ice water you can burn 50+ calories a day just from your body needing to heat up the water.*


Monday, April 9, 2012

Pre-Workout Meal

The Myth: It doesn't matter what you eat before exercise!

Truth: What your clients eat before exercise does matter for personal fitness training, and how much it matters depends on the intensity and duration of exercise. The goals of eating before exercise are to stave off hunger, top off glycogen fuel stores, and leave the athlete feeling comfortable. These goals are best met by consuming a pre-exercise meal that is high in carbohydrates, moderate in protein, and low in slower-to-digest fat and fiber. It's recommended that endurance athletes consume their pre-exercise meal about 2–4 hours before exercise, as this allows enough time for the food to pass through the stomach. The amount of food to consume and the timing of intake in relation to exercise are best worked out during practice sessions. For athletes who take the time to find the right balance in terms of quantity of food and timing, eating before exercise can help extend endurance. Conversely, not testing a pre-exercise eating regimen can be disastrous and lead to poor performance.

Metabolism and walking

Good Morning Everyone,

Walking is a great way to increase your metabolism, take the stairs even though it takes longer. Walk places if they are close enough. After a meal walking for 10-15 minutes will aide significantly in digestion. Walking on an incline is exceptional for burning fat but that's not always possible. As the weather gets warmer try walking for 10-15 minutes per day to speed up your metabolism! Over time it will really help!


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy holiday

Happy holiday everyone try not to eat too much!


Ladies Advice

Hey Everyone,

The majority of people in the gym who ask me questions about obtaining their goal/ dream bodies so happen to be women. So when scouting new clients I tend to look for women, and where might you ask is the best place to look for these women who aren't achieving their goals? The Cardio section of any gym, is usually loaded with them! Not trying to put anyone under the knife here but those of you who just do what we trainers call C&A workouts which is Cardio and ABS probably aren't seeing the results you want. Please Read on!

The importance of free weight training for ladies. Women conventionally fear free weight training. They fear free weight training for a number of reasons.

1. The thought and fear of becoming overly muscular.
2. The fear of using the weights wrong.
3. They dont get to see how many "calories per hour" they burn.

Conventionally the people lifting weights have the best physiques in the gym vs the people on the cardio machines who fight to keep the weight down. The trick lies in Body Composition! What are their bodies made of? Muscle or Fat? If the answer is muscle then the chances are they are naturally burning more calories then someone who is fat. Take a look at this article and read up on some more reasons you should be doing weight training ladies. It is vital to your success in the gym. It will kick start your progress and help you finally get to your goal body. This is something that all women who strictly do cardio should read.


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Protein Pancake / Waffle Recipe


1 (4 scoops) VANILLA PROTEIN powder, whey or soy, or rice or veggie (22gram or more per scoop)
1 egg
1/2 cup water
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp vanilla
Mix thoroughly and makes 6-8 pancakes or 2 waffles.

1/2 tsp cinammon
2 tsps pecans, macadamia nuts
1/4 cup sliced apples or mashed bananas (or one scoop of banana whey with 3 scoops of vanilla whey)
While hot, use melted butter and warmed pure syrup - maple is the favorite ! Try not to use more than 2 large table spoons

Cardio Techniques

Good Morning,

So I didn't post anything yesterday my apologies, I did run across some interesting articles though on cardio techniques to help loose pure body fat.

The true technique to loosing body fat is to preform cardio after a weight training regimen, for no more then 30 minutes in one sitting. A Protein shake is advised before cardio activity, only because of the catabolic effect of extended training.

On days when strength training is not being preformed 45 minutes should be done of cardio slightly more intese. As far as intensity goes it should vary each time lower heart rate burns more fat, higher heart rate burns more calories but dont be fooled. Calories dont always equal pounds! Calories are calories yes but burning body fat is different. Remember muscle burns calories at rest, this is why most people who preform free weight workouts can get away with cheating on their diets occasionally and those who strictly preform just cardio will loose progress if they cheat a single time.

Cardio should not make up your entire workout regimin!


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Nutrition Tip

Cayenne Pepper (Chilli)

Cayenne pepper (also known as chilli) contains an ingredient called, capsaicin. Capsaicin is well-known to boost metabolism naturally and therefore assist people with their weight-loss efforts. It does this by stimulating the receptors on the sympathetic nervous system, resulting in a thermogenic effect in the body.(Heating Up)

If you are able to tolerate peppers then they are definitely worthwhile adding to your diet on a regular basis. They can be easily added to foods, cooked with, included in salads and used to make marinades.

(Reference quick-weight-loss-principles, Wikipedia*)