Thursday, August 16, 2012

Cardio tips for fat burning

We all have or have had that stubborn body fat that we cant seem to get rid of. The way that we try and get rid of it is different, each person has their own personal preference. The point is that obviously their are many different ways to get rid of body fat. Many people believe that cardio is the only way to loose fat. Many people believe that no cardio and strictly weight lifting resistance training and other anaerobic activity will work. Someone people believe in the power or diet alone no exercise.

There is a million or more ways for people to obtain the dream body, loose the fat, be skinny and transform their physique. Most people don't do it, and cant because they don't know what they are doing and others cant do it because they don't have the motivation. Some of the people out there are perfectly fine with how they are and don't care to change it if it requires too much effort. This statement and post will address all of the people out there regardless of your desire/ intentions with your body. 

BODY FAT! Devise a regimen that is a combination between anaerobic, aerobic, weights and rest.

What is the best type of cardio? How long do I perform this cardio for? How frequently?

*HOW EVER MANY DAYS YOU PLAN TO WORKOUT DO CARDIO FOR NO MORE THEN HALF OF THEM.* This is my rule of thumb, unless you have excess amount of weight to loose, or you are training to be a long distance runner then your cardio should not make up more then half of the days you are working out. Let me give examples.

If you workout lifting weights 4 times a week, you go to the gym for 40minutes-1hour and workout intensely.  You should do cardio on 2 of those days at the end of your workout the best time is at the end of the workout. So If you are training 5 times a week or 6 the formula stays the same since you cannot divide 5 in half do not go above 2. *This is a rule for those of us with that stubborn little belly fat we want to get rid of. Not for those who have excess amount of weight to loose.

As for duration my recommendation  is for more then 15 minutes but less then 50 so if you can run/ walk for 45 minutes do it because that is your only exercise that day. But if it is a day that you are doing anaerobic before your cardio my suggestion is do your anaerobic for 30 minutes and your cardio for 30 minutes as well.


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