Thursday, August 9, 2012

tip on pushup/ bench press depth

Ok so for all of you who do push-ups, or bench do any sort of fly's or deep dips for chest. My post today is on the depth of how far you should preform a rep. The thing with these exercises are they are high risk for your shoulder. They are essential to having a big or defined chest. BUT! They can prevent you from being able to lift all together if you do them wrong.

Remember! It is better to do less and be consistent then it is to do more and hurt yourself. The only way to see results is over time! So if you get  hurt you will have to take time off that is counter productive.

OK... To the point On each of these exercises the depth of a repetition is the same for everyone. If you were to have a lifting partner or a spotter measure the degree of your elbow it should be 90 Degrees. A right angle! For those of you who are unsure EXACTLY how that should look I know how you feel geometry wasn't my strong point either! Haha Only kidding everyone but I will post a picture for you all just to clarify.

Anything lower then 90° will deactivate the tension on the muscles in your Inner Deltoid thus causing excessive amount of unwanted stain on those muscles. This CAN and probably will cause bursitis, tendinitis, torn or strained rotator cuff. All of these injuries are extremely painful and you don't want to have those. So please trust me when I tell you with lifting weights less is more always preform more then 6 reps unless you are an experienced lifter with perfect form.

Lifting is all about the contractions please see my other post and read about the difference between a motion, flex, and contraction.


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