Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Common Lifting Mistakes

Lifting Weights is the best way to change your body. The mistake people make is that they think weights alone will make then "jacked" so what ever your definition of jacked might be weights is probably your solution to get you there.

My point is weights alone will change your body, it will make your bones dense and strong. It will make your muscles harden. It will promote muscle growth. But just like I said it will promote, it will do everything that most people aren't aiming to do. Unless... You eat the part, meaning you need to diet to be jacked. EAT EAT EAT! So, the point of lifting weights isn't always to get jacked. Women don't want to be jacked but want to transform their bodies as well and I get this question from women a lot more then men.

"Wont Lifting Weights Make Me Jacked!?" Well yes and no, here is why.

So the reason why lifting weights will make you jacked is because you want them to get you jacked. Your eating a lot more calories then your taking in and your also working out the right way. Most people who are trying to get jacked don't even get jacked so no lifting weights wont accidentally get you jacked. Guys strive their whole lives to look "Jacked" and never get it. So when women ask me if lifting weights for a few weeks is going to get them jacked I cant help but laugh. Absolutely not! If your lifting heavy weights and only eating around 800 calories a day you can lift all the weight you want you will NEVER get jacked. You will become super lean you will harden up you will tighten and tone. Never will you accidentally get jacked.

Same goes for men, if you want to get jacked EAT! heavy weights don't make you jacked. Weights and food is what makes you jacked. No need to try and lift heavy heavy weights. Body builders aren't half as strong as the strongest men in the world. Body Builders most of them aren't even as strong as some professional athletes who are half their size. Just lift and eat lift and eat and enjoy the gym don't make it something that is a medication that you do because you feel you have too. Chances are you will never last that way.


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