Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Form 101

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to deliver on my promise of explaining or attempting to explain proper form. So this is essentially form 101. The only problem is I wont be able to demonstrate form to you like I do with my clients so ill do my best to paint a picture in your minds. Any questions you may have at the end feel free to email me at Frankp.Training@gmail.com (That is my email for training related questions please do not hesitate to email me)

So what is proper form? How come my reps look the same as the next guy/girl but I dont feel the same swell that they do? How come my muscles dont get sore?

These are all form questions and their are a million and a half more where those came from! Form isn't monkey see monkey do. Form is a combination of proper technique, mind muscle connection, contraction, flexion/extension/ad/abduction(etc..) all with added resistance. So what does that mean? Technique is the way the rep is preformed for example with a bicep curl, some people swing their bodies because the weight is too heavy. This is because their arms lack enough strength to get the rep up all the way without aide from another muscle group or momentum. What do I do to fix that? Go lighter! Go a lot lighter, sets should be preformed anywhere between 40-65% of your max strength when your learning proper form. So what is mind muscle connection? Mind muscle connection is the ability to touch a muscle with your fingers and flex it. So for example when someone touches your butt unexpectedly you tense it up... thats mind muscle. When you flex your arms and someone is squeezing your arm to see how firm or soft.. thats mind muscle. When your anticipating getting punched in the stomach and you flex your abdomen, you guessed it thats mind muscle. Ok so now that we got the concept of what mind muscle connection is lets explain. Mind muscle connection is the ability to preform a rep and feel the body actually contract that muscle. Mind Muscle connection is a weight lifters best friend. Without the ability to feel your muscles without having to touch them you know how to use them in situations where most people would not. This means you can get 2 times the workout anyone else can because you are contracting muscles half of the world didn't even know existed. Mind muscle connection is something that is established through hours of for lack of a better explanation standing infront of a mirror or in your room flexing. Feel your muscles tense up, relax them practice what it took to get those muscles to flex. Perfect it, then move on to the next one, each time you do this you will know how to make those muscles flex when you add weight to them. So What is contraction then? Contraction is essentially mind muscle connection's suffix, it's just the same thing with a little something on the end. Contraction is the feeling of a pinch, in the muscle that your mind is in connection with to preform a technically sound repetition.  This means basically using your new found mind muscle connection to establish a ground to that muscle. Once you establish connection with that muscle and you have learned how to 'Flex it' you want to learn to take it a small step further and contract it. For a bicep curl you keep your elbows against your rib cage, flex your arm by bringing it up towards the ceiling. Once your arm is up near the shoulder you squeeze it in to the point where your triceps deactivate and your bicep experiences a small pinch feeling. Congratulations that is a contraction of the muscle. So what do you mean by added resistance? Weight, elastic bands, gravity so on and so forth are all resistance. Anything that your muscles have to overcome that isn't there on a regular basis is added resistance. People mistake this for lets get AS MUCH RESISTANCE AS POSSIBLE!!! No dont be the person in the gym with poor technique because you think it will get you to your goals faster. It will not accelerate your results, it will prolonge them and make you quit because you could possibly never see any results at all.

This is my guide to perfect form and if you ever have form questions like I said email me. Without proper form you will never see results. Results depend upon your bodys ability to overload a muscle, you cannot overload without your minds ability to contract that muscle at will.

Thanks for your time! Have a good day everyone!


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