Thursday, April 5, 2012

Over eating

Good Morning,

The problem when people over eat is, the next day they often try and reduce calorie intake drastically to compensate. The diet should stay the same, some people do high and low calorie days and for some that works. If that's not in your eating regimen then stick to the plan. Turn your workout up a notch and burn a few extra calories if you find it completely necessary. Your body as an athlete or weight lifter will thank you for those calories.

Depending on what you over ate you CAN compensate for it the next day slightly. If you ate high amounts of carbs, you can do what is called 'Carb Cycling' which is a method of alternating high and low carb days. This is very difficult to do though when you workout regularly. Your body craves carbs it needs carbs so give it some. Starving your body of carbs is only ok if you plan on competing in a bodybuilding show or a photo shoot as  a model. Carb Cycling is a good method to help burn fat off your body. It has been discussed on various shows such as Doctor Oz, and The Doctors.

The real benefit to carb cycling is your body prepares itself for routine so if you eat high carbs monday its prepared to burn them all again on tuesday. So if you dont give your body any carbs your stomach is on carb watch waiting to burn any carbs that eneter. Give it a try if your looking to really burn some body fat fast.


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