Fat loss is a gradual process I want you to understand that any weight that you are trying to loose especially for ladies must be done gradually! Let me repeat that differently because that is the most important piece of advice I can give you. Any fat on your body MUST be lost gradually or else it is not fat you are loosing.
Wait what? I am confused...
Let me explain, if you loose weight fast it is not fat that you lost it is water or muscle. FAT takes a while to put on the body. Therefore using the same logic it is going to take equally long to get it off.
Why is that?
because your body doesn't want to get rid of the fat. Fat is a good source of energy for the body. Your body loves to have a reserve just incase. So this means you have to teach your body that FAT BAD, MUSCLE GOOD! haha seriously though that is what you literally have to train your body to understand.
The Secret Guide
(If you have not read what I wrote above read it.)#1 Eat Clean (especially before bed)
If you are prone to eating a lot before bed then I want you to stop. Learn to have your last meal about 4-5 hours before bed. I want that meal to have NO CARBS IN IT. I repeat YOUR LAST MEAL OF THE DAY SHOULD HAVE NO CARBS IN IT! If you are trying to loose weight eat light at night and heavy in the morning. When I say heavy I mean carbs are ok and bigger portions are acceptable. As the day progresses you want to eat less and less per serving.
Substitute any carbs you have at night for salad... You can have as much salad before bed as you want! Just make sure you are not using as much dressing as you want as this will defeat the purpose.
#2 HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
I want you to learn what this is I will post tomorrow about HIIT and how to do it properly. For now in a nutshell HIIT should be a short period of time between 15sec - 2mintues of extremely challenging exercise. Followed by 5-40sec of rest. The break time depends on the work time. If you did 15 sec of exercise then no you should not rest for 40 sec that is not intense. PUSH YOURSELF!
#3 Always eat after your workout
This is the most important meal of the day besides breakfast! This is when your body is begging for food! Feed the monster! I want you to still eat clean but this meal should have larger portions. Also if this meal is within 4-5 hours of your bed time it is ok to eat carbs! I want to explain this later in another post but I want you to understand that it is ok to eat carbs after your workout even if it is within 1-5 hours of your bed time. I want you to portion correctly and also I want you to understand that after your workout your body needs carbs, not slow carbs like brown rice it needs fast carbs like white bread, white rice, cereal (cherios, corn flakes), instant oatmeal, sports drinks, banana's etc. There are a lot of examples I will also make a post about this in the future where I will go a lot more in depth just know that This is the only time of the day where sugar is acceptable and where good carbs and bad carbs switch roles. Normally all the foods I just listed are bad but after your workout they are ok!
#4 High Protein Diet
High protein is good because it will keep your body lean I will not go into too much depth with this one because I have done previously in the past. But understand the average person should be eating between 15-25grams of protein per meal. This should be done 3-5 times a day. If you are working out then you should be eating your bodyweight in protein. So if you weigh 150lbs you should be eating between 120-150g of protein per day. That is just a rule of thumb but it is good to get a higher amount of protein in because without it your body will not repair the damaged muscle tissue from your workout. Also protein speeds up the metabolism.
#5 Drink Water
Soda is bad. Sugar is bad. Iced tea is bad (unless its home made with no sugar). Juice is bad! Yes even orange juice is bad! (only exception is fresh grapefruit juice).
You need to drink water. You need to drink a lot of water for that matter. You need to nearly consume a gallon of water a day I have actually gone into this in the past. <-- that is the link to the article about water consumption.
Follow these 5 tips for the next From now until April and tell me how you do!
I promise the results will be unbelievable.
Thanks everyone for the support! (repost this blog if you like it)
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