Ok so I want to explain what this exercise routine is for before I just give it out. This routine is for Women who are looking to tone, build muscle, increase stamina, strength and build a killer body. Now this might sound cliche and well... it is. \But it works! Period. I am taking the guess work out for you. Follow this plan don't try and make any modifications to it this is specifically for women. It will not make you jacked if you are one of those girls that actually still say that. It will not make you look manly, and it will not make you gain weight. It will make you look awesome and sickly shredded if you are looking to prep properly for summer then start this routine ASAP. So that you can start my next routine just in time for summer. I suggest you do this routine for 8 weeks. This will give you ample time to master some of the more complicated movements as we will be using them later on as well. Here it is! (**P.S. This is assuming that you are already in decent shape. Decent shape being your ability to jog at least 1/2 a mile at a speed of 5.5-6.5 miles/hour and have been exercising for at least 3 months prior to this.**)
Day 1 (Legs & Core)
(Warm up 10 minutes)
Clean and Jerk 4 sets 8-12
Squats 3 sets 8-12
Front Squats (DB) 3 sets 8-12
Deadlift 3 sets 8-12
Box Jumps 3 sets 15 reps (20 inch or higher box)
Lunge (Weighted) 3 sets of 10 each leg
Bosu lateral Shuffle (with med ball) 2 sets 30 sec
Quad Extensions 3 sets 8-12
Hamstring Curls 3 sets 8-12
Straight leg Kick Back (Cable) 3 sets 8-12
Core (part 2)
Hanging Leg Raises (or Captain Chair) 3 sets 15-20
Bosu Crunches 3 sets 15-25
Lying leg raises 2 sets 12-15
Bicycle crunches 3 sets 30sec
Plank 2 sets 45 sec
Mason Twist 2 sets 30 sec
Day 2 Chest and Cardio
(Warmup 10 min)
Incline Bench Press (BB) 4 sets 8-12
Flat Bench Press (BB) 3 sets 8-12
Dumbell Fly on yoga ball 3 sets 8-12
Cable Chest Fly 3 sets 8-12 (incline & decline)
Jump Rope 3 sets of 1 minute
Pushups 3 sets until absolute failure**
Dips (assisted or not) 3 sets until absolute failure**
Dumbbell Pullovers 3 sets of 8-12
Sprints (fast as possible)
Each set should have less than 2 minutes in between
5x 500m sprint
1x 400m sprint
3x 300m sprint
1x 200m sprint
5x 100m sprint
(this is equivalent to 2.79 miles) if this is too much I want you to reduce each set by 1 instead of 5 do 4 sets that only have 1x I want you to keep that as 1x
Day 3 Back, Calves & Forearms
Pullups (Assisted or not) 4 sets of 8-12
Jumping Jacks 1 set 50
Low Row (cable) 3 sets 8-12
Jumping Jacks 1 set 50
Lat Pulldowns 3 sets 8-12
Jumping Jacks 1 set 50
Straight arm pulldown (cable) 3 sets 8-12
One arm Bent Row (DB) 3 sets 8-12 each side
Bent Row (BB) 3 sets 8-12
Standing Calf Raises (weighted) 3 sets 20
Seated Calf Raises (heavier) 3 sets of 8-12
Jumping Jacks 3 sets 20-30 reps
Behind the back wrist rolls (BB) 4 sets of 12-15
Day 4 Full Body
Part 1
Clean and Jerk 3 sets 8-12
Deadlifts 5 sets 8-12
Bench Press 4 sets 8-12
Squats 3 sets 8-12
Pullups (assisted or not) 3 sets 8-12
Kettle Bell Swings 4 sets 8-12
Sumo Squats 3 sets 8-10 reps
Shoulder Press (DB) 4 sets 8-12
Lateral Raises 4 sets of 25 (light)
Pushups 3 sets Failure
Part 2
Hanging Leg Raises 2 sets 20
Bosu Crunches 2 sets of 25
Oblique Crunches (side crunches) 3 sets of 25
Leg Raises 3 sets 15-20
Mason Twists 3 sets 15-20
Oblique Extensions (Weighted) 3 sets 15-20 each side
Oblique Crunches 3 sets 20 reps
Optional day 5
Sprints (fast as possible)
Each set should have less than 2 minutes in between
5x 500m sprint
1x 400m sprint
3x 300m sprint
1x 200m sprint
5x 100m sprint
(this is equivalent to 2.79 miles) if this is too much I want you to reduce each set by 1 instead of 5 do 4 sets that only have 1x I want you to keep that as 1x
Week 1-3
Monday Day 1
Tuesday Day 2
Wednesday Rest (or day 5)
Thursday Day 3
Friday Day 4
Saturday Day 2
Sunday Rest (or day 5)
Week 3-5
Monday Day 1
Tuesday Day 2
Wednesday 4
Thursday Day 3
Friday Day 1
Saturday Day Rest (or day 5)
Sunday Rest (or day 5)
Week 5-8 (or 10)
Monday Day 1
Tuesday Day 2
Wednesday 4
Thursday Day 3
Friday Day 2
Saturday Day 4
Sunday Rest (or day 5)
Term Key**
Absolute Failure is the inability to preform another rep. (Example push-ups is when you fall on your chest and cant get off the ground using your arms)
BB- Barbell (a fixed bar or barbell)
DB- Dumbbells
To those women who are afraid of looking muscular email me Frankp.training@gmail.com and I will advise you on exactly how to alter this workout to better ease your anxiety about that. This is an amazing routine this will effectively shred your body of most if not all of the fat that you currently have.
**You should check with your doctor before implementing any of the suggested material above. These are suggestions and can be followed specifically to yield faster results. These do not have to be followed in any specific order if a doctor advises you to refrain from implementing this routine due to medical necessity please do not try this. This is to serve as suggestions for people who are currently working out and looking to yield better results. If your doctor clears you to perform this routine THIS WILL WORK. Any and all questions can be posted on the blog itself or emailed to me at Frankp.training@gmail.com**